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Welcome to the site, and thanks for your interest!

Here, you'll find info about my music releases, as well as reviews and our performance schedule.

The Writings section includes liner notes and other pieces I've written about music.

My new album Prayer for What Remains has just been released, and is available now at Amazon and all of the major streaming services.

For NYC fans, we'll be performing at
Zinc Bar
on Monday March 24th,
Sets at 7:00 & 9:00 PM.

My trio has resumed its twice-monthly residency at Alvin & Friends in New Rochelle. We're there every 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month.

Allen Morrison reviewed a live performance of the trio for DownBeat.com.

Two tracks from my CDs were included in the soundtrack of Orson Welles' final movie, The Other Side of the Wind.